Who We Are


Having grown in Mexico, corn is and remains the base of our daily meals. Rich in fiber, nutritious and chock ­full of vitamins, corn plays an important part in Mexican culture since way before Europeans arrived, and is to this day an essential ingredient of our world­-renowned gastronomy.

Our products are made with Mexican corn. We craft them carefully, using the same traditional methods our abuelas (grandmothers) used back in the day. At Nacho Villa, we believe that going back to our roots, using natural and healthy ingredients, is revolutionary. This is why we offer our healthy snacks, ideal for any occasion!

Our company draws inspiration from Mexican revolutionary Pancho Villa, a historical figure who inspired millions of people to respect and celebrate their roots.

Antonio & Yectli

Founders, Nacho Villa

Our Mission

To craft delicious and nutritious corn­ based snacks while helping people discover the diversity of Mexican cuisine.

Our Vision

To revolutionize how nachos and Mexican snacks are consumed by offering high quality products which remain respectful of the ancestral traditions that created them.

Made without conservatives, chemical agents or artificial flavours, Nacho Villa’s products are low in sodium. Our nachos are prepared using a traditional Mexican method called nixtamalization, which conserves corn’s essential properties as well as nutritious minerals such as potassium, iron and zinc. It also breaks down the corn’s chemical components to make it easier to digest. Nacho Villa’s carefully crafted creations will make you savour the real taste of corn. Your palate will discover a world of delicious flavours!


The term “nixtamalization” finds its origin in the word “nixtamalli”, composed of “nextli” (ashes) and “tamalli” (ground corn flour, tamal) in náhuatl, the Aztec language. It’s an ancient cooking method used for centuries in Mesoamerican cultures.

By boiling water with lime stone, we create a paste called nixtamal, which is the base for tortillas and other corn­based products. This method has its advantages, as it improves corn’s nutritional qualities and digestion when consumed. It actually increases availability of niacine (vitamine B3) and aminoacids. This process gives a distinct taste to our products and it’s the reason why Nacho Villa is a revolutionary nacho!